My Blog List

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Deyrod blake

As a writer I know that I have very good ideas. The way I can verbally  explain my work is better than what I can do when it comes times to writing my thought on paper  The way I think is outside the box but still has a connection to what I have to talk about. As a writer I know my strengths and weakness my ideas and the way I describe them is my strengths. It's the way I take in the information how I understand it is what also helps me out. My weaknesses are sentence structure I tend to keep writing and not structure my sentences. I have a problem with organization it's like my info be all over the place and might be confusing to people reading my work. I’ve learned how to connect different types of works and like a movie and a book that things took place at two different times. I learned how to find the connection and relate those to works to each other. I learned how to blog which was something i never did before and when your blogging other people can see your work and comment so that make you as a writer not want to mess up. This writing coarse turned out to be better than what I thought at first we was writing about our self-played word game we also watched movies read the books did group work and discussions. We worked on the computer and took test. I need to work on writing organization and sentence structure and that's about it I know everything else is good. I'll need to go to the writing center to brush up on my skills. Working in a group helped me. It helped me get other peoples in sight on things. The blogs helped me like I said before by actually making me think about what I'll post before I do it. Class discussions also help because I might not have understood the way it was taught and a fellow peer might find a better way to help me understand. Another thing that helped me is when we have to bring in drafts for our class mates to evaluate that was a big help because I got good advice from great writers on what to do and what not to do. I took that and ran with it. It’s always good to have a second opinion on work that has to be handed in you might have skipped over a grammar error and that other reader might have seen where you messed up and corrected you on your mistake. Eng. 102 has to be harder for a writer based on if he is a good writer or not. I hope it shows me a better way to rite and I hope it shows a couple writing tricks that I won’t forget

Monday, November 28, 2011

Deyrod blake

1.futuristic/past 2.serreal 3.genetic engineering world order 5.timing

Timing or time is the one I picked because its time that changed everything. Before genetics had come in to the picture there were just thoughts and conclusions no computers or any technology .like with Oedipus he didn’t know he had killed his father and there wasn’t no pre-crime technology to prevent him from doing  that but as times changed they had  invented that. That’s why I picked time because time relates all of these texts and movies there’s different things going on as time changes. Like if technology of the pre-crime would have been around the times Oedipus had killed his father would he have done it and would his outcome/fate would have been the same. With the matrix’s time was of the essence because the world was at risk but also the technology they had was very upgraded. They was way a head of there time because they had technology that could plug up to them and put them in another world.

Monday, November 21, 2011

MY thought on dese blogs

When I first entered this class and knew I was going to use blogs that were going to be broadcasted on the net that made me change the way I had to represent my work. I felt like I had to think more and actually make sense on what I was writing . I knew that there were people who was better writer than me so I sort of seen it as an disadvantage like they can help me and make me a better writer. In my eyes they just write better my ideas and the way my mind think is what put me a higher level. Using this blog helped me out because I don’t have to use paper or write I just type copy post  and wait to see the comments. I knew this these blogs where something when my mother who has nothing to do with the work I do in school she was on the website looking at my blogs I’m like wow that really means anyone can be one can see my work. That also means I can see a lot of peoples work as well so I would go to a person blog who is a good writer like a girl named Caroline and I would take pointers on how her blog differs from mines I would read other peoples blogs and see where there strong points are and where there weak points are and use that as a guide to know what to do and what not to do. I would also if I don’t understand a blog I would look at someone else blog and see if I can connect ends to do my work. The bad part about blogs is if everyone that has one can comment on your blogs it’s basically more criticism than credit. A person like me would take the criticism and make something of it. I criticize my own paper anyways because I look at others peoples papers and see where I mess up at anyways so in a way that’s actually a good thing if you know how to channel the negativity. The way I write my blogs might be a way to open doors to a new idea the way I look for new ideas when other people are writing and I’m reading. Someone  can write something I find very useful so I would use it with my own twist to it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The DON's Answer

Deyrod( the DON) Blake

According to the movie Gattaca the genetically engineered human was the one that was supposed to be the dominant human. When the parents decided to make their child special they abandoned the other child. They told him that he will never make it to his dreams which were being in space as an astronaut. They treated him different or as an outcast. He even sat at another table from his family. Thee genetic child was treated like a god because the way he was created for him to be the best at whatever he does.

According to George j Annas “humans have always been experimenting and in the year 3000 when the world is covered in water what would the perfect human be like” (page 235). I honestly think when people experiment on other people that are asking for a natural disaster. God made us the way he did for a reason without gills and certain other stuff. It’s not meant for us to have everything but to work with what we got. I understand using technology helps make things easier and might answer some unsolved questions but that’s on mechanical things not humans .Making a super human is not good because this has never been done before there so many things that can go wrong. What if the make a monster that cant be stopped remember he is super human and has ability’s that we don’t have. Like in gattaca the brother antwone was made to be better than his brother Vincent  in almost every way possible. Nothing is perfect and because Vincent out smarted his brother because he was willing to take risk that his brother wouldn’t. That’s what separate them one had a will to reach his destiny by any means. While one of them  knew they was going to make it so to him it wasn’t nothing important but to Vincent him making means a lot and proves everyone wrong especially his parents for treating him like an out cast . it also proved that regular humans can beat a genetically made human . There a imitation of us which is real people .i don’t think cloning people would be a great upgrade to the world. Cloning anything is not all good because its nothing like the original. What are the effects of cloning animals? How long did they survive? And what were side effects? Was it something that changed them drastically? How this would effect humans and is this really necessary. Why do we need clones for what? Aren’t there other things that can be cloned and if so stick to that. Cloning can be the down fall of all humanity . is this worth it at all not at all I would not vote for this if it ever came to a vote clone or no clone

Monday, October 17, 2011

When deep dark past secrets are revealed and brought to the sun light. Either the person that just found out life’s  is gone change for the good or the bad.  Depending on how it is taken.  When ne-yo found out he was the chosen  1 for the matrix’s  he was confused and didn’t know how to take it. He didn’t know why he was the chosen 1. He just knew that his job was to help fight the people that have escaped from the cyber world . Morpheus who is a guy that ne yo met. Had introduces him to the matrix gave ne-yo a choice either red or blue pill and to decide what his faith was.neyo had a chance to stay in the regular life and never know about the matrix or take the blue pill and know all about the matrixs andf the dark side and secrets of it.

As for Oedipus he is a guy that has killed his father who abandoned him when he was a baby . king Laius who was told he will die by the hands of his own son by the oracle .Oedipus was told he would mate with his mother and shed the blood of his own sire   

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog #3: The Matrix: Utopia, Dystopia, and Realities

Deyrod Blake                    

  Growing up there has been a lot of illusions that people have live in.  When they found out that it was a lie it changed their life dramatically or changed their life just a little. In the movie the matrix there’s a situation that I can compare to real life. Which is when the illusion your living is fake how do u deal with the real reality.

When Neo first entered the matrix it wasn’t something he was ready for.  He was put in a situation where he had to witness the effects of the matrix and the reality of real life. He had to choose what life he wanted to live, the real world or the computerized world that felt so real you probably couldn’t tell the difference. Like in real life when you found out Santa is not real and it were your parents giving you gifts all the time. That’s something you weren’t ready for but it’s also something you had to deal with. I’m pretty sure it changed your life especially if you really believe in it. Now you look at things differently. You’re questioning what’s real and what’s not. Like Neo he wanted to know why he was chosen to be in the matrix and all these test to see if he is the one. Like when you’re trying to qualify for a high position at a job there’s test you have to go to see if you’re really the one they been looking for.

The same way neo had to experience test is the same way we have just not with all the fighting but when taking test you don’t know what’s on the test you just know you have to pass it to keep on moving with your life. In the matrix neo has challenges he has to overcome to fulfill his destiny which is to fight the machines. There’s also agents(smith and brown) trying to stop neo from fighting the machines and letting humans leave the cyber world .In real world there’s people that try to stop you from completing your destiny or accomplishing your goals your is to accomplish their goal is to stop you from accomplishing your goals . It seems like everything is a fight and if you can’t fight expects to be stopped in your tracks.

The matrix is sort like the real world because when you find out it’s not real you either have to deal with it or your do something about it. You can’t live in the shadows forever so when reality hits you have to except it . the matrix is a dream world basically and in your dreams everything feels so real that when you wake up you swear IT WAS REAL .I HAD DREAMS I WAS SHOPPING AND GOT SNEAKERS I REALLY WANTED. WHEN I WOKE UP IT WASN’T THERE AND I RECOGNIZED IT WAS ALL A DREAM . I CAME TO A CONCLUSION THAT THE MATRIX BEST FITS WHATS CLOSER TO REALITY .IT SHOWS U THAT DREAMS OR ILLUSIONS CAN BE REAL DEPENDING ON HOW YOU SEE IT OR DEPENDING HOW YOUR MIND TAKES IT.

Monday, September 26, 2011

blog #3

blog 3
Spontaneous generation believed that everything that had life was either arose from the elements of an egg ,seed or  other means of reproduction. Aristotle who based some of his fine works and studies on the ideas of Anaximander , Hippolytus , and Anaxagoras , all of them who believed that stressed the fact that life could spontaneously come from being inanimate matter like slime , mud , and earth when exposed to sun light. Aristotle had his own ideas  on the ways maggots would  seemingly generate out of dead animals carcass , or barnacles would form  on the hull of a boat . This theory that life could literally spring from nothing managed to persist for hundreds of years after Aristotle, and was even being proposed by some scientists as recently as the 1700s.
The adoption of the scientific method that many of the classical theories like spontaneous generation that started to be tested. once it was tested it failed. famed scientist Louis Pasteur showed that maggots would  not appear on a piece of mean that was not concealed in a zip loc bag. Using a microscope showed that that these insects were formed by airborne microorganisms not by spontaneous generation.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Deyrod Blake
Eng 101                                  DEATH
                  I used to believe as a young child that death only happen to certain people. I never knew death would come to everyone living or should I say anything living .
 when I first knew what death was  I was about 6 or 7 and me and my family kept going back and fourth to the hospital. I didn’t know why we kept going all I knew was that we were here and all I kept hearing is he is not looking o good . Another thing I kept hearing was don’t let (rodzy podzy) go in the room. One afternoon my mom gets a call and she is hysterical crying and I asked her what happen she said our cousin Hugo just passed away.  Me as a young innocent kid didn’t know what that meant . A couple days later my mother dresses us in all black and said were going to a funeral. Im like what is that she told me shut up and stop asking questions so I did . When we arrive there I see all my family members that I recognized and family members I never saw before . Everyone there was in tears but I still was in suspense because I still didn’t know what was a funeral and why everyone as crying. I walked in a place very quiet and seemed very peaceful . I followed my mother and saw my cousin laying in a box and I didn’t know y he was there or anything . I was wondering why we came to see him sleep. I went to the box and tried to wake him up I got no answer. I went to go open his eyes and felt someone grab me and lift me up. My family member asked what I was doing so I explained and that’s when he told me these following words ”your cousin died of an diabetic coma” . im like what is died . he said “ when its your time to go meet god for judgement “. I said “ but he is not moving or breathing and I found that very scary not to move.  He said that it will happen to every living person  or living thing. I went back to look at him and that’s when I knew death would be coming for us all and that right there changed my life and that’s when I I knew it happens to everyone not just bad people.