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Monday, September 26, 2011

blog #3

blog 3
Spontaneous generation believed that everything that had life was either arose from the elements of an egg ,seed or  other means of reproduction. Aristotle who based some of his fine works and studies on the ideas of Anaximander , Hippolytus , and Anaxagoras , all of them who believed that stressed the fact that life could spontaneously come from being inanimate matter like slime , mud , and earth when exposed to sun light. Aristotle had his own ideas  on the ways maggots would  seemingly generate out of dead animals carcass , or barnacles would form  on the hull of a boat . This theory that life could literally spring from nothing managed to persist for hundreds of years after Aristotle, and was even being proposed by some scientists as recently as the 1700s.
The adoption of the scientific method that many of the classical theories like spontaneous generation that started to be tested. once it was tested it failed. famed scientist Louis Pasteur showed that maggots would  not appear on a piece of mean that was not concealed in a zip loc bag. Using a microscope showed that that these insects were formed by airborne microorganisms not by spontaneous generation.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Deyrod Blake
Eng 101                                  DEATH
                  I used to believe as a young child that death only happen to certain people. I never knew death would come to everyone living or should I say anything living .
 when I first knew what death was  I was about 6 or 7 and me and my family kept going back and fourth to the hospital. I didn’t know why we kept going all I knew was that we were here and all I kept hearing is he is not looking o good . Another thing I kept hearing was don’t let (rodzy podzy) go in the room. One afternoon my mom gets a call and she is hysterical crying and I asked her what happen she said our cousin Hugo just passed away.  Me as a young innocent kid didn’t know what that meant . A couple days later my mother dresses us in all black and said were going to a funeral. Im like what is that she told me shut up and stop asking questions so I did . When we arrive there I see all my family members that I recognized and family members I never saw before . Everyone there was in tears but I still was in suspense because I still didn’t know what was a funeral and why everyone as crying. I walked in a place very quiet and seemed very peaceful . I followed my mother and saw my cousin laying in a box and I didn’t know y he was there or anything . I was wondering why we came to see him sleep. I went to the box and tried to wake him up I got no answer. I went to go open his eyes and felt someone grab me and lift me up. My family member asked what I was doing so I explained and that’s when he told me these following words ”your cousin died of an diabetic coma” . im like what is died . he said “ when its your time to go meet god for judgement “. I said “ but he is not moving or breathing and I found that very scary not to move.  He said that it will happen to every living person  or living thing. I went back to look at him and that’s when I knew death would be coming for us all and that right there changed my life and that’s when I I knew it happens to everyone not just bad people.