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Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog #3: The Matrix: Utopia, Dystopia, and Realities

Deyrod Blake                    

  Growing up there has been a lot of illusions that people have live in.  When they found out that it was a lie it changed their life dramatically or changed their life just a little. In the movie the matrix there’s a situation that I can compare to real life. Which is when the illusion your living is fake how do u deal with the real reality.

When Neo first entered the matrix it wasn’t something he was ready for.  He was put in a situation where he had to witness the effects of the matrix and the reality of real life. He had to choose what life he wanted to live, the real world or the computerized world that felt so real you probably couldn’t tell the difference. Like in real life when you found out Santa is not real and it were your parents giving you gifts all the time. That’s something you weren’t ready for but it’s also something you had to deal with. I’m pretty sure it changed your life especially if you really believe in it. Now you look at things differently. You’re questioning what’s real and what’s not. Like Neo he wanted to know why he was chosen to be in the matrix and all these test to see if he is the one. Like when you’re trying to qualify for a high position at a job there’s test you have to go to see if you’re really the one they been looking for.

The same way neo had to experience test is the same way we have just not with all the fighting but when taking test you don’t know what’s on the test you just know you have to pass it to keep on moving with your life. In the matrix neo has challenges he has to overcome to fulfill his destiny which is to fight the machines. There’s also agents(smith and brown) trying to stop neo from fighting the machines and letting humans leave the cyber world .In real world there’s people that try to stop you from completing your destiny or accomplishing your goals your is to accomplish their goal is to stop you from accomplishing your goals . It seems like everything is a fight and if you can’t fight expects to be stopped in your tracks.

The matrix is sort like the real world because when you find out it’s not real you either have to deal with it or your do something about it. You can’t live in the shadows forever so when reality hits you have to except it . the matrix is a dream world basically and in your dreams everything feels so real that when you wake up you swear IT WAS REAL .I HAD DREAMS I WAS SHOPPING AND GOT SNEAKERS I REALLY WANTED. WHEN I WOKE UP IT WASN’T THERE AND I RECOGNIZED IT WAS ALL A DREAM . I CAME TO A CONCLUSION THAT THE MATRIX BEST FITS WHATS CLOSER TO REALITY .IT SHOWS U THAT DREAMS OR ILLUSIONS CAN BE REAL DEPENDING ON HOW YOU SEE IT OR DEPENDING HOW YOUR MIND TAKES IT.

1 comment:

  1. Deyrod, while there is a consistent argument here, more support and evidence is needed (other texts, historical examples or experiences) to strengthen it--the Matrix is not enough since it is already given in the prompt. Editing is needed as well. You must also disable word verification to receive further comments
